
freebsd bsnmpd使用流量統計

使用freebsd base的bsnmpd做流量統計。

修改 /etc/rc.conf,開機時會自動跑 bsnmpd:

# Change this!
read := "public"

# open standard SNMP ports
begemotSnmpdPortStatus.[$(host)].161 = 1
begemotSnmpdPortStatus. = 1

如果是從別台server來抓資料,要加上別的interface IP
begemotSnmpdPortStatus. = 1


FM T型軟質室內天線

T Shaped Dipole Antenna

T的上半部左邊0.7m 右邊0.7m,中間約1.7m,收訊效果還不錯。U型端子,如圖片所示。


Kenwood KT-594 tuner AM/FM 收音機

收訊良好,主要是為了收聽老爸愛聽的一個AM電台。現在的很多廉價音響,收音機的收訊都很差阿,訊號漂移,沒辦法鎖住電台,不然就是干擾聲音很大,濾不掉。自從很多東西都Made in China之後,品質實在不行阿。
這個電台只有山進收音機,還有另一台也是好幾年前的AIWA CD收音機收聽還算清楚。


Video share網站試用心得

最近因為要上傳video試了幾個video share的網站,youtube, metacafe, blip.tv,其實youtube還蠻好用的,不過不知道為什麼,hinet上傳就是回出現一直connecting的奇怪狀況,上傳就是一直卡住,所以我就只好換用別家了。

試了一下,www.metacafe.com和blip.tv的速度都還ok....操作介面也還算是不錯,頻寬也還算蠻順的。重要的是這兩家網站都還算是夠大背後有財力雄厚的創投基金,應該不會倒,服務也還蠻穩定的。其實國內也有不少video 分享平台,如xuite,vlog。不過我是崇洋媚外的人..還是覺得國外的服務比較好,至少blip.tv感覺廣告不多,版型也比較漂亮。所以我個人還是偏好國外的空間啦。


fubar II使用感想

最近買了電光火石(http://www.firestone.idv.tw/)的fubar II usb DAC,果然得到了相當不錯的音質,雖然我沒有很高檔的設備來互相做對照組,可是效果還是相當令人滿意,用了一個月下來基本上也沒什麼問題。我用的軟體foobar2000和media player classic都可以設定使用usb device來做聲音的output,而遊戲還是使用主機板內建的音效,因為我玩遊戲(WOW)時比較少在聽音效,所以就沒有使用usb device來發聲。
一邊玩遊戲,一邊聽音樂感覺真是不錯阿,之前內建的主機板音效,不但失真嚴重,而且會有聲音停頓,找不出是什麼原因,真是讓人不爽,這也是我為什麼會想買fubar II的原因囉。


10 Tips That Every PHP Newbie Should Know

10 Tips That Every PHP Newbie Should Know
Jeffery Vaska

Tip 6: Single and double quotes
Single and double quotes confused me for some time and it really should not have. I see this quite often in the forum as well. It's very easy to understand that double quotes allow php to parse and single quotes do not. Here are some examples:

$var = $value; // ok
$var = "$value"; // ok, but double quotes are not necessary
$var = '$value'; // will not work (single quotes will not allow parsing)

('.' the period adds/connects variables, functions, etc. together.
Oftentimes programmers will leave spaces around the ' . ' to make
things easier to read.)

$var = 'This is the ' . $value . ' of things.'; // ok - preferred
$var = "This is the $value of things."; // ok, but harder to read/debug
$var = 'This is the $value of things.'; // will not parse $value
$var = This is the $value of things.; // error

$var = $array['name']; // ok, generally the preferred technique
$var = $array["name"]; // ok, but why use double quotes if they are not
$var = "$array[name]"; // ok, but harder to read/debug - poor coding

$var = 'Name: ' . $array['name']; // ok - preferred technique
$var = "Name: $array[name]"; // ok, but harder to read/debug - poor
coding style
$var = "Name: $array["name"]"; // error
$var = "Name: $array['name']"; // error

exampleFunction($value); // ok
exampleFunction("$value"); // ok, but double quotes are not necessary
exampleFunction('$value'); // will not parse $value





推薦好用的mp3 tag編輯器,支援中文。
google mp3tag就知道了。


Introspective Questions, Andrew Weil

Who have I been all this time?
How have I used my gift of a human life?
What do I need to "clear up" or "let go of" in order to be more peaceful?
What gives my life meaning?
For what am I grateful?
What have I learned of truth and how truthfully have I learned to live?
What have I learned of love and how well have I learned to love?
What have I learned about tenderness, vulnerability, and intimacy?
What have I learned about courage, strength, power, and faith?
What have I learned of the human condition and how great is my compassion?
How can I best share what I've learned?
What will give me strength as I die?
If I remembered that my breaths were numbered, what would be my relationship to this breath right now?

--Introspective Questions, Andrew Weil